Sunday, July 12, 2009


What Is PHP?
PHP is an open-source, server-side, HTML-embedded Web-scripting language that is compatible
with all the major Web servers (most notably Apache). PHP enables you to embed code
fragments in normal HTML pages—code that is interpreted as your pages are served up to users.
PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.
PHP was developed before ASP. Over the past few years.
PHP is an official module of Apache HTTP Server, the market-leading free Web server that
runs about 67 percent of the World Wide Web (according to the widely quoted Netcraft Web
server survey). This means that the PHP scripting engine can be built into the Web server
itself, leading to faster processing, more efficient memory allocation, and greatly simplified
maintenance. Like Apache Server, PHP is fully cross-platform, meaning it runs native on several
flavors of Unix, as well as on Windows and now on Mac OS X. All projects under the aegis
of the Apache Software Foundation—including PHP—are open source software.

Why PHP?
The short answer is that it’s free, it’s open source,it’s easy to learn, and it plays well with others.

What is MySQL?
MySQL (pronounced My Ess Q El) is an open source, SQL Relational Database Management
System (RDBMS) that is free for many uses.

Why MySQL?
The short answer is that it’s free, it’s open source,it’s easy to learn, and it plays well with others.

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